Gratitude: The Foundation of Manifestation

A Sip of 40ozTea
3 min readApr 18, 2024

Have you ever caught yourself longing for a life of luxury, perhaps dreaming of a chauffeur or a closet brimming with high-end fashion, yet overlooked the simple pleasure of waking up to a phone connected to Wi-Fi? It’s a common human tendency to yearn for more, often neglecting to appreciate the blessings we already possess.

We frequently call upon a higher power for rescue in times of crisis, but do we remember to express gratitude for the assistance received? Just as we thank a technician for fixing a tire, acknowledging the blessings in our current life is crucial before aspiring for more.

Life, in all its complexity, deals us a unique hand of cards. Some believe we chose this life, entering into an unseen contract. While the reasons behind our circumstances might remain a mystery, the importance of embracing and learning from them is clear.

I recall watching “A New York Minute” with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, where a line struck a chord: “If we had it all figured out, we’d be bored to tears.” This resonated with me deeply during a transformative period in my life. I had just moved into a new apartment in NYC, a big empty space that felt both overwhelming and underwhelming. Despite achieving what I had longed for, a sense of discontent lingered.

It took an encounter with a young woman, seemingly homeless and overwhelmed, to spark a profound realization. Here I was, in my empty apartment in NYC, living in a desirable area at an affordable rent. This space was not a symbol of lack, but an opportunity for creative expression and growth. Gratitude for what I already had began to reshape my perspective.

As the week progressed, I received unexpected financial blessings, allowing me to start personalizing my space. This experience highlighted how quickly we can become fixated on the next big thing, failing to fully appreciate our current blessings.

Personal growth often involves a disparity between who we are and who we aspire to be. Life presents us with challenges and moments of despair, seemingly random yet pivotal in our journey. These experiences are not just obstacles; they are tests, shaping us into the resilient, self-reliant individuals we strive to become.

Gratitude has emerged as the secret ingredient in this journey. Each day, as I unlock my apartment door, I am reminded to be thankful. Whether it’s catching a glimpse of my reflection, ordering a ride, or enjoying a favorite beverage, these moments of gratitude are precious. They remind me of those who cannot experience such simple joys, like my bedridden godmother who has never ridden in an Uber.

Gratitude isn’t just about being thankful for the big achievements; it’s about recognizing and valuing the mundane, everyday blessings we often take for granted — the ability to walk, to breathe without assistance.

In the pursuit of what we seek, it’s vital to pause and appreciate the beauty of our current existence. Your aspirations for personal evolution and external growth are not only valid but necessary. However, the true essence of fulfillment lies in balancing this ambition with a deep sense of gratitude for what we already have. Remember, what you seek is also seeking you, but don’t forget to stop and smell the roses along the way.

