Blind Faith: Redefining Hustle Culture

A Sip of 40ozTea
2 min readApr 3, 2024

In the relentless pursuit of success, the modern ‘hustle culture’ mantra often echoes: Wake up at 2 am, work tirelessly until exhaustion, and cherish a quick morning kiss with your spouse, who, presumably, understands and supports your goals. This extreme dedication is lauded as the path to achievement.

However, this approach can inadvertently lead to sacrificing the very elements of life you once prayed for, all in the name of craving more. The irony? In your relentless pursuit, you risk being stripped of the things that truly matter.

I advocate for a different approach: Blind faith. This philosophy involves stating your desires, releasing them into the universe, and trusting that they will come to fruition. To some, this may appear as laziness, a stark contrast to the grind of 24/7 hustling. Yet, blind faith is not about inaction; it’s about different forms of action.

Consider a job in hospitality: It may seem unrelated to your ultimate goal, but it places you in a prime position to network and meet individuals who can propel your journey forward. That server job isn’t just a job; it’s a stepping stone. Every interaction, every moment is a lesson preparing you for your dream role.

In this light, working in hospitality can be akin to acting. You engage with guests, learn teamwork dynamics, and understand the importance of every role in creating a seamless experience. This isn’t just about biding time; it’s about building skills and recognizing the right moment to transition from your current role to pursuing your dream.

We often focus so intently on our goals that we overlook the value of our present circumstances. This ‘destination happiness’ mindset can be detrimental, leading to a lack of appreciation for what we currently have.

Blind faith, thus, is about recognizing and valuing the journey, not just the destination. It’s about understanding that each step, no matter how seemingly small or unrelated, is a part of a larger, meaningful journey towards your goals.

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